Good governance refers to the practices and principles that promote accountability, transparency, participation, rule of law, and inclusiveness in the decision-making processes of governments and other institutions. It involves creating an environment in which people can exercise their rights, voice their opinions, and participate in the decision-making processes that affect their lives.

The characteristics of good governance include:

  1. Accountability: Institutions and individuals are responsible for their actions and decisions.
  2. Transparency: Information is easily accessible and decisions are made in an open and clear manner.
  3. Participation: Citizens are actively involved in decision-making processes.
  4. Rule of law: The law is applied equally and fairly to all individuals and institutions.
  5. Inclusiveness: All members of society have access to resources and opportunities regardless of their background or identity.
  6. Efficiency and effectiveness: Institutions are able to achieve their goals with the available resources.

Good governance is important for promoting economic growth, reducing poverty, and ensuring social development. It also helps to build trust between governments and citizens, leading to a more stable and peaceful society.


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